Abel Tasman Coast Track

Hut availability for the Abel Tasman Coast Track is limited and often books out, particularly during peak seasons. If you can't get a spot on your perferred date, use our free hut alerts tool to automatically notify you as soon as a spot opens up. Set up alert

Abel Tasman Coast Track

Photo credit: Brittany Olsen Verner ©

Track Details

The Abel Tasman Coast Track is a must-see hike for any nature lover visiting New Zealand’s South Island. This stunning trail spans 51 kilometers (31 miles) and takes you through some of the most breathtaking coastal landscapes in the country, including golden sand beaches, crystal-clear water, and lush native bush.

As one of the most popular hiking tracks in New Zealand, the Abel Tasman Coast Track offers a range of options for hikers of all abilities. Whether you prefer leisurely beach walks or more challenging inland tracks, this trail has something for everyone. The trail is well-maintained and offers a range of hiking options, from a day walk to a multi-day hike.

One of the highlights of the Abel Tasman Coast Track is the stunning beaches, including the famous golden sands of Tonga Beach and the secluded Anchorage Bay. The track also passes through the Abel Tasman National Park, home to a wide variety of native birds and wildlife, including the New Zealand fur seal and little penguin. The park is also known for its rich birdlife, making it a paradise for birdwatchers.

Another highlight of the track is the Abel Tasman Inland Track, which takes you through the heart of the national park and offers spectacular views of the coast from above. This track can be accessed via a side-track from the main coast track and is a must-do for anyone looking for a more challenging hike.

The track is well-maintained with well-graded tracks and huts along the way. There are several huts along the Abel Tasman Coast Track, which provide shelter and basic facilities for hikers. Booking is essential during peak season. If you can’t book a hut on your perferred day make sure to use our free hut alerts tool that is constantly checking against hut availability. This tool will send you an email notification as soon as a spot opens up.

It is important to be well-prepared for the hike, as the track can be challenging in places and the weather can change quickly. It is recommended to be in good physical condition, wear appropriate footwear and clothing, and carry sufficient food and water.

Overall, the Abel Tasman Coast Track is a beautiful and rewarding hike that offers some of the most spectacular coastal scenery in New Zealand. It is a must-do for anyone visiting the South Island and looking for an adventure in the great outdoors. Whether you’re a nature lover, birdwatcher, or just looking for an unforgettable experience, this hike is definitely worth the effort.

Huts Along This Walk

Hut Name
Cooking Facilities
Peak Season Fees
Off Season Fees
Walk Times
Anchorage Hut 34 Not available Yes, not treated Available Available $56 $26
  • 4 hours from Marahau via Abel Tasman Coast Track
  • 4 hours from Bark Bay Hut
Awaroa Hut 26 Not available Yes, not treated Available Available $56 $26
  • 2.5 hours from Totaranui/water taxi
  • 4.5 hours from Bark Bay Hut
  • 5.5 hours from Whariwharangi Hut
Bark Bay Hut 34 Not available Yes, not treated Available Available $56 $26
  • 4 hours from Anchorage Hut
  • 4.5 hours from Awaroa Hut
Whariwharangi Hut 20 Not available Yes, not treated Available Available $56 $26
  • 3 hours from Totaranui/water taxi
  • 2 hours from Wainui car park
  • 5.5 hours from Awaroa Hut